I just can't stop talking about the awesome deals that Toys-R-Us / Babies-R-Us are having lately on Fisher Price infant toys. Most people either abhore TRU/BRU or love them. I'm tickled pink in love. I've NEVER had a bad experience with their customer service but I do know they are usually more expensive than other retailers of the same items (Wally World, Target, Amazon, etc.) but TRU/BRU offer coupons routinely unlike their competitors and have always happily stacked coupons. So if you shop the sales and work the coupons, TRU/BRU is back in the competition and leading the pack.
TRU/BRU is having a 30% off all Fisher Price infant toys sale and a free $10 pack of Fisher Price diapers with any $25 FP infant toy purchase. So, we have us a double whammie of savings here folks. Today, their 15% off one baby item coupon went into effect....so we have us a triple whammie now :) On top of all that, Fisher Price just sent out $20 off of a $100 purchase from their Laugh & Learn and Go & Grow line of toys (which are the ones on sale for 30% off). WOWZA.
I, gulp, confess that I bought Eli's Christmas present (Stride To Ride Lion), his birthday present (Laugh & Learn Home), 3 stand-up/walking/development toys for Eli (I swear he was in need!) (Crawl & Cruise Jungle, Activity Table & Walker Shopping Cart), our new baby niece and our baby nephew's Christmas presents (these are a secret) and Eli's BFF at daycare's 1st birthday present (Stride To Ride Lion). All with a coupon, or double coupons and 30% off and the diapers to boot. WOOOOOT!
Here is the low down: I spent $206 on 8 sizeable toys and got $80 worth of free diapers. The sticker price total on everything was $458. AMAZING. All of this was purchased with cash from stuff I sold on Craigslist that either I didn't use anymore or Eli stopped playing with.
I feel like I cheated on Craigslist with TRU :) Oh, let me not forget one more prop for TRU...I bought the crawl & cruise jungle right before the 30% off sale started, and they gave me a credit for the difference. They didn't have to do that. So nice. So I included that purchase with the total for the shopping spree this week.
EDITED TO ADD: The 30% off of all Fisher Price infant toys and free $10 pack of FP diapers with $25 FP infant toy purchase at TRU/BRU was good through Saturday, September 19th. The current 15% off one baby item coupons are good through 10/1 (one is 9/18-9/24 and the other is 9/25-10/1 and these are in the same booklet from TRU/BRU) and the $20 off of $100 FP coupon is good through December 1, 2009. I wonder if TRU/BRU will mark down their FP infant toys again before Christmas? Hummm. Since I'm new to this baby business, I'm clueless as to what the trend has been in the past.