Life has just been crazy busy lately. It has gotten so bad that I feel like my to-do list is a jumbled mess in my brain that is constantly distracting me. This nightmare to-do list keeps me up at night. Then, to add to that, I've been struggling with major guilt lately with the lack of time I have with Eli during the week. He has been either falling asleep on our way home from daycare or falling asleep right when we get home. I have to wake him up before we go to bed for jammies and a bottle. He is maybe taking one 45 minute nap at daycare a day so of course this kiddo needs the 12 hours of sleep at night but that makes for a very sad Mom :(
Somewhat on this note, Eli starts a new daycare on Monday. We are so darn excited about it. Right now, they only have part-time available, which is all we need until January. They can only give us Mon & Wed (and Fridays if a child calls out) so we still have to figure out Fridays but I don't care. He had to get out of his current daycare. The week before last, he was playing in the dirty diaper bin and this week he was taking apart a nasty vacuum cleaner and playing with the filter. I almost lost my mind. The new daycare provides 100% of his solids and the menu all organic, hormone free, etc. He'll also learn Kindermusik, Spanish, play puppets, sign language, get outside time every day, a set eating and nap schedule every day. Best of all, the daycare has a 3:1 child/teacher ratio. We knew instantly that this was a good fit for Eli and our lifestyle. The daycare owner even asked us if we cloth diaper and asked us to bring them because they'd love to use them. We were like SAY WHAT NOW? :) hehe She also told us that Eli needs to learn how to stop using other kids as furniture. Whoopsies...yeah, we'll work on that. Oh, she also doesn't usually allow the kids to have anything in their bed so Eli very well may be on his way to losing his paci habit. I think I'm ok with this. I think. :) My guilt wants him to have whatever comforts him when he is away from home but I also know he needs to learn how to sleep without it.
I can't forget to show you what showed up today! Ta- excited am I??? Ok, now, before you go thinking I'm some spoiled rotten brat, I want you to know that we listed things we don't use/need on Craigslist and we are THIRTY BUCKS away from having this baby paid for by money we earned through Craigslist. And, I have this $30 sale pending for tomorrow night. Woo Hoo. I found a deal too good to pass up a Kohl's so I got it 20% off, free shipping, $65 brush attachment kit free and $80 Kohl's cash to boot, which will buy Eli some warm footie PJs that are oh-so-needed now. I walked into the little turkey butt's room last weekend to get him out of bed after a nap and he had taken his pants off. Then, the other day, he tried to take his shirt off by grabbing the back and yanking it over his head. This behavior makes this mommy very nervous at night thinking that he could be suffocating himself in bed and I wouldn't know it. Only one piece pjs at night for this little nudist from here on out.

One last thing, my diet is ON starting tomorrow. No sugar, no flour, no soda, no Halloween candy....just salads, veggies, fruits, nuts and lean meat. Lots of water and exercise. I just need to get into my work pants comfortably and I need it to happen SOON. Flub be gone!