Earth's Best
Saturday, August 22, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
I stocked up at Babies-R-Us today like a crazy lady. I just finally did the math and they were $.30 a jar. So I got 30 jars for $9. That's awesome for Earth's Best organic (2nd food - 6 mo+)! I love me some coupons and sales. The sales peep was like "Do you have any more coupons?" She was being serious...she was getting a kick out of me working the coupons and getting such a deal. She even remembered to ask me for my Rewards Card. Fantastic :)

Pssst...the HappyBaby organic puffs were $1 a thingy! $3 regularly. There is a $1 coupon hiding under the lid of the banana ones. Ssshh! The greens taste better than the naner ones. I swear. Weird but they do. Kale, collards and spinach. Ummm.
Pssst...the HappyBaby organic puffs were $1 a thingy! $3 regularly. There is a $1 coupon hiding under the lid of the banana ones. Ssshh! The greens taste better than the naner ones. I swear. Weird but they do. Kale, collards and spinach. Ummm.
I love coupons too. It sounds like you got a really great deal.
Great deal there, girl! I've never seen those greens ones!
Awesome deal! I saw your comment on Chelsea's site about this and was wondering where you got the BRU coupon?
Hi Christina :) I found the coupon on BabyCheapskate's site. It is good through 8/31. Here is the link:
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