Yesterday was all kinds of crazy but, whew, on to a smooth sailing Tuesday so far :) The Pathfinder wouldn't start yesterday morning and I was in a frantic rush to get to work (after about 4 hours of sleep upon returning from the weekend in FL) b/c we had a new associate starting and I'm the first point of contact for the newbs. :) So Rusty jumps me off and on my way I go with jumper cables in tow. Then I get a call later that morning that I had a new battery and was good to go. I had no idea he snuck into my work parking deck, tools in hand and got 'er done. Awwwww...I thought I'd have to get another jump after work to make it to pick up Eli from daycare and head to an oh-so-dreaded car place. THANKS BABE!!! So then Rusty is on his way to Outreach and his car breaks down. teehehee All in all, it only cost $107 for my battery and $200 something to fix Rusty's coolant leak issue. Eli and I picked Rusty up last night and now he is at the mercy of his friends for the next few days until his car is up and running.
So after a crazy Monday at work, the car ordeals, etc., I get home to a wonderful birthday surprise. My family hired a cleaning crew to deep clean the house. We're talking blinds dusted, shower/tubs scrubed, window sills clean, tables Pledged, shelves dusted, furniture moved and cleaned under, all class cleaned (even windows and mirrors), area rugs vaccumed. There wasn't a dog hair in sight. They even folded towels on the oven door handle all purty like and folded the blanket on the couch. Amazing! These people even cleaned the baby changer thingy under the countour pad!! I feel so loved. This is like giving me the gift of time :) More time with my family and more time to relax. It is perfect and I'm one happy sister/daughter/sis-in-law :) Thank you guys...I appreciate it immensely and will never ever forget it. I'm still walking around on cloud nine. Oh, and the icing on the cake, is that now I think I can officially get away with instituting a "no shoes in the house" rule. So far, so good :)
We broke down and bought Eli a convertible car seat last night. Its just a car seat and why have I been stressing about it?? It isn't a purchase that requires a loan. haha We have a Maxi Cosi Mico infant seat b/c it is one of the seats that can be used with our Bugaboo stroller. Soooo I've been struggling with my loyalty to the Maxi Cosi and the fact that the convertible seat only goes to 40lbs. What to do? Well, ole Target had the Maxi Cosi Priori ON CLEARANCE for $90. They only had one and I've never seen them on display in the store so I'm assuming it was an online return. Too good a deal to pass up. I'm an easy sell when on sale :) Its on the smaller side for convertible seats but should fit nicely in Rusty's Jetta. It also reclines quite conveniently for our little car sleeper. Not sure how long our 22lb 7 month old will fit but the infant seat is officially pooped out :)

Here are a few pics for ya of our little Turkey Butt in Target during our shopping excursion last night. He was 100% boy and not about to sit in that durn baby seat when there was so much to see!

Eli and Daddy making goofy faces at Mommy!

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