Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
Eli had quite the busy weekend putting his activity table together (with some help from Daddy of course), climbing shelves and trying to leap over toys :) He also turned 11 months old yesterday. Wow! This is such a fun age and we're enjoying almost every minute of it. What isn't fun at 11 months is getting professional pictures taken. This kid wanted to call all the shots and those shots just weren't purty. teehe

Needless to say, we had to move this toy AWAY from the shelf. The climbing adventures:


Rachael said...

How cute! whta table is it? You need to put a pic of it together! :0)

GeorgiaChick said...

Hey Rach. It doesn't have a name but I got it online at Pottery Barn Kids. Its the white one that matches Eli's shelves in the play area. I got it for $170 from $349 so I couldn't pass it up. So we brought out the big boy table and now I need to pack up the baby toys this weekend. :) I'll post a pic of the playroom this weekend. Here is the link:

Melissa said...

I love the button up shirt, vest, socks and no pants. Priceless! And OMG on the climbing, Robbie is nutso too. Boxes are so much fun to play with, and Eli looks like such a great helper. :P

GeorgiaChick said...

Thanks Mel! We were cracking up at him taking charge the minute he saw that box come out. What is it with the climbing already? Eli thinks he can climb on top of his shopping cart by standing on the wheels. I think not! :)