OCD - It finally sunk in....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
I've finally come to the realization that I'm OCD. Of course, I don't think I have a severe case of it (of course :) but I can finally acknowledge that I have it. For a solid week, I've been looking for one little purple ball that goes with one of Eli's toys. Mind you, he has about 20+ balls that go with all of his toys and he certainly wasn't missing it :) I've been looking all over for it every day and it has really been bothering me. I looked everywhere, so I thought. I was **this close** to calling my brothers to see if they hid it on purpose just to mess with me. In hindsight, why in the heck would they do that??? haha Well, I found it sitting in the snack tray on Eli's Jumperoo on Saturday. I immediately ran to my phone to tell Rusty. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? First of all, he could care less and I'm sure he was sick to death of hearing me go on about how this ball was missing. **DEEP BREATH**

I also have a confession....yesterday I ordered a bag of replacement parts from Fisher Price for all of Eli's toys that have small parts (even his Christmas present that he obviously hasn't even received yet. Gaaah). I even ordered TWO spare bags of balls for the toy that was missing the purple ball. HOW AM I GOING TO RAISE A SON WHO WILL INEVITABLY LOSE PARTS TO HIS TOYS OR BREAK THEM WITHOUT GOING CRAZY? :) I can't even go to bed without making sure his play area is put back together and all the toys are"where they go." Oh boy.

How am I going to raise a son and not have him impacted by my OCD issues? I know, I know...I need to let it go. Baby steps. Easier said than done. I've always known I was a neat freak (and certainly not a clean freak) but that dang purple ball just sent me over the edge. Doh. I will do my best to reign in my OCD but I draw the line at anything resembling a pack rat or hoarding :)


Sam said...

I have OCD too, self-diagnosed as well, but I have never thought to buy extra parts. I think that's a great idea and will solve the problem on the missing basketball for this small toy little Erik has. I love your solution, which just further proves my OCD.


Laura B said...

You can order replacement balls?!?!?! That sort of thing drives me nuts, and we've been missing two (yes 2!!) balls to the ball popper. Knowing that I can order replacement parts rocks my world!!

Oh, and I'm right there with you on the OCD-ness. :)

GeorgiaChick said...

I'm so glad I'm not alone in this :) Laura--I haven't tried to order Playskool replacement balls yet but I fully intend to. Let me know if you find any. Sam--I tried to find Little Tikes replacement basketball for the toy Eli's has to no avail. Whaaah!

Chelsea said...

Haha...I was raised by an OCD dad! I have a smidge of it myself, and having kids only brings it out even more! The first step is admitting you have a problem. ;)