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Saturday, December 12, 2009 Edit This 1 Comment »
Here are a few more pics of Eli helping Daddy. This time they were building the rolling shelves that go under the activity table. I don't know what it is but Eli sees a box and goes totally nutso like a hyper little spaz. It cracks us up :)



Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
Eli had quite the busy weekend putting his activity table together (with some help from Daddy of course), climbing shelves and trying to leap over toys :) He also turned 11 months old yesterday. Wow! This is such a fun age and we're enjoying almost every minute of it. What isn't fun at 11 months is getting professional pictures taken. This kid wanted to call all the shots and those shots just weren't purty. teehe

Needless to say, we had to move this toy AWAY from the shelf. The climbing adventures:


Friday, December 04, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
Look at me below using not one but TWO hyperlinks in my post SUCCESSFULLY!! I finally found a website that my virgin HTML brain could understand. I'm so happy with myself AND the hyperlinks open in a new window vs taking you from my blog to another site :)


Friday, December 04, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
We won the DVD Little Spirit: Christmas in New York from STRETCHING A BUCK. Thank you so much! We feel very blessed. I'm so excited about spending this Holiday season with my new little family and absolutely can't wait to watch this DVD with Eli. I also confess I'm super excited that it features songs by Faith Hill. teehehe.

Love This Site Awards :: Jolly Mom - DivineCaroline

Thursday, December 03, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
"I love me some Jolly Mom. Check her out!"
No pressure or anything, but I think this site deserves to win a Love! This Site Award from DivineCaroline, so please, vote soon! You can also still nominate your favorite sites.


Thursday, November 05, 2009 Edit This 3 Comments »
Oh my word, its been a week since I last posted. Oops. Well, I'm here now and I'm here to tell you that I just spent $10.68 (including tax) on the items below at Kroger tonight. Woohoo!! I saved $25.57. I just love Mega weeks. The only item I didn't have a coupon for was the Nutella but that was a special request by the Hubs. I saved 72%. Yehaw :) The man behind me in line said "That's some impressive use of coupons...I wish you could show my wife how to do that." hehe

This week I was forced to upgrade my coupon organizer. My original fell you can see below. Hey, who says your coupon organizer can't match your purse/diaper bag???


Thursday, October 29, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
Well howdy folks :) Thought I would update with some complete randomness. First of all, I thought the kiddo's yummy homemade food was too colorful not to post.

We made a trip up to Kohl's tonight so I could have a little retail therapy spending my Kohl's bucks. Aside from the fact that I had 2 mini-meltdowns on the drive up due to Rusty's very questionable driving (deep breath), we managed to find some good deals. Here is the little man being such a big boy in this funny cart contraption. Also, look how cool these little Play-Doh thinga-ma-jiggies are to hand out to trick-or-treat'ers. Only $2.09 for the bag of 20. AWESOME alternative to candy. Well, maybe not so awesome to the little recipients' parents, but whatevs...not my problem. hehe


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
Life has just been crazy busy lately. It has gotten so bad that I feel like my to-do list is a jumbled mess in my brain that is constantly distracting me. This nightmare to-do list keeps me up at night. Then, to add to that, I've been struggling with major guilt lately with the lack of time I have with Eli during the week. He has been either falling asleep on our way home from daycare or falling asleep right when we get home. I have to wake him up before we go to bed for jammies and a bottle. He is maybe taking one 45 minute nap at daycare a day so of course this kiddo needs the 12 hours of sleep at night but that makes for a very sad Mom :(

Somewhat on this note, Eli starts a new daycare on Monday. We are so darn excited about it. Right now, they only have part-time available, which is all we need until January. They can only give us Mon & Wed (and Fridays if a child calls out) so we still have to figure out Fridays but I don't care. He had to get out of his current daycare. The week before last, he was playing in the dirty diaper bin and this week he was taking apart a nasty vacuum cleaner and playing with the filter. I almost lost my mind. The new daycare provides 100% of his solids and the menu all organic, hormone free, etc. He'll also learn Kindermusik, Spanish, play puppets, sign language, get outside time every day, a set eating and nap schedule every day. Best of all, the daycare has a 3:1 child/teacher ratio. We knew instantly that this was a good fit for Eli and our lifestyle. The daycare owner even asked us if we cloth diaper and asked us to bring them because they'd love to use them. We were like SAY WHAT NOW? :) hehe She also told us that Eli needs to learn how to stop using other kids as furniture. Whoopsies...yeah, we'll work on that. Oh, she also doesn't usually allow the kids to have anything in their bed so Eli very well may be on his way to losing his paci habit. I think I'm ok with this. I think. :) My guilt wants him to have whatever comforts him when he is away from home but I also know he needs to learn how to sleep without it.

I can't forget to show you what showed up today! excited am I??? Ok, now, before you go thinking I'm some spoiled rotten brat, I want you to know that we listed things we don't use/need on Craigslist and we are THIRTY BUCKS away from having this baby paid for by money we earned through Craigslist. And, I have this $30 sale pending for tomorrow night. Woo Hoo. I found a deal too good to pass up a Kohl's so I got it 20% off, free shipping, $65 brush attachment kit free and $80 Kohl's cash to boot, which will buy Eli some warm footie PJs that are oh-so-needed now. I walked into the little turkey butt's room last weekend to get him out of bed after a nap and he had taken his pants off. Then, the other day, he tried to take his shirt off by grabbing the back and yanking it over his head. This behavior makes this mommy very nervous at night thinking that he could be suffocating himself in bed and I wouldn't know it. Only one piece pjs at night for this little nudist from here on out.

One last thing, my diet is ON starting tomorrow. No sugar, no flour, no soda, no Halloween candy....just salads, veggies, fruits, nuts and lean meat. Lots of water and exercise. I just need to get into my work pants comfortably and I need it to happen SOON. Flub be gone!


Monday, October 26, 2009 Edit This 1 Comment »
My little brother TJ and his friend Shelley came over Saturday and we went to breakfast and the zoo. I really don't get to see that kiddo enough. It was Boo at the Zoo so all the kids were dressed up. Whooops, this mommy didn't know that :) Eli still had fun trick-or-treating. At this stage, he enjoyed the bird sanctuary the most. The coolest part was when we heard the male lion roar. It was so loud that we all thought it was fake at first. We thought it was just something the zoo did to attract visitors to the exhibit. Nope, was he ever mad about something. So neat. The absolute weirdest thing we saw was the vulchure exhibit. There was a fake dead zebra on display that looked unbelievably real. As we were walking up, one of the vulchures was actually eating something out of this fake dead zebra. Almost as gross as Eli trying to eat a roach :o)

Its The Small Things

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
I'm so happy that I was part of Eli learning something new this morning! Yeah! I feel like I miss so much with Eli being at daycare 3 days a week and with Rusty the other 2. I know how blessed I am and this was just a little icing on the cake today. Yes, yes...I'm getting to the point :) Eli was in his highchair this morning and I put a few puffs down. I put one in his mouth and then put one in my mouth. He then picked up a puff and put it in my mouth. What a proud mommy moment that was. Finally, I get to watch him learn something new! I just love this mimic darn fun. He proceeded to feed me about 5 in a row. So cute!

Speaking of spending 2 days a week with Daddy, this is what I left at home yesterday morning:

Daddy thinks Eli is a genius...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Edit This 3 Comments »
...because Eli crawled into the laundry room and knew exactly what to do with Rusty's camelback. I think its kinda obvious but I kept that to myself ;)


Monday, October 19, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
I just love everything about this time of the year, well, except for the wind-burned lips you get when outdoors for too long :) Here are a few pics from our trip to Burt's Farm up in Dawsonville, GA. These pumpkins were HUGE. Their pumpkin roll was a yummy big hit. It was way toooo crowded to really enjoy our time there but I was glad we went!!


Thursday, October 15, 2009 Edit This 1 Comment »

After Eli's 9 mo well visit today, it occured to me to check his Halloween costume to make sure it still fit. Um, not quite...way too short in the arms and legs. He could hardly move around in it...but it was sooo cute :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that BRU has one in a size 18-24 month and Rusty will be a sweety pie and exchange it for me tomorrow so I don't have to make a trip up to Dunwoody. I had to give Eli my Blackberry to keep him from crying the entire time. This kiddo is going to humor me and wear this costume for Thanksgiving and there is no way he'll be able to get this zipped 5 weeks from now. GOBBLE GOBBLE.

OF COURSE, I have a back-up. hehe Eli is going to wear this one to his friend Cameron's first birthday costume party next weekend. This is the only peek you get for now...